The Orc War Wagon

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The ground rumbles violently as terrible reverberation resonates across the valley, chattering your teeth and ripping through the skies with the horrible sounds of screeching metal and clanking gears that accompany it.  Suddenly, through a cloud of dust and thick smoke bursts forth a mechanical monstrosity unlike anything you've ever witnessed.  A behemoth wheeled vehicle of some sort, clearly Orcish in design, cobbled together from scavenged plates of metal and planks of wood.  It hurtles through the ravine, belching black smoke behind it, bearing down on you with a fearsome bladed iron plate bolted to the front of the war machine.  A guttural, blood-curdling battle cry emerges from the Orc manning a heavy ballista turret mounted atop the machine.  Next to his firing position, an enormous iron crane just high above the vehicle, brandishing a fearsome mechanical claw.